Monday, February 9, 2009

Meeting Minutes (J8)

Name of Organization: J-8

Purpose of Meeting: Class Time

Date/Time: January 21st, 4:00-6:45

1. Introduction to integrated lab

2. Introduction to leadership survey

3. Choose team members

Name of Organization: J-8

Purpose of Meeting: Exposure to Drawings

Date/Time: January 22nd, 5:00-5:30

1. Reviewed drawings

2. Came up with questions to ask professor/M-team

Name of Organization: J-8

Purpose of Meeting: Class Time

Date/Time: January 28th, 4:00-6:45

1. Review of leadership survey/test

2. Reviewed questions with M-team

Name of Organization: J-8

Purpose of Meeting: Break Down Assignment L1

Date/Time: February 2nd, 7:30-8:30

1. Due Feb. 5th

a. Written Mechanical System Descriptions & Flow Charts (Drawn Only)

i. Cooling & Exhaust

ii. Heating

iii. Piping

2. Due Feb. 6th

a. Leadership Survey Report

b. Flow Charts (Visio)

c. Assignment L1 Report Compilation

3. Due Feb. 8th

a. Final Assignment L1 Submittal (Revised according to M-team)

b. Final L1 PowerPoint

4. Due Feb. 9th

a. Final L1 PowerPoint Presentation (Coordinate with M-team)

Name of Organization: J-8

Purpose of Meeting: Class Time

Date/Time: February 4th, 4:00-6:45

1. Review work with M-team

2. Additional questions for Dr. McCoy/M-team

Name of Organization: J-8

Purpose of Meeting: Gathering of Information for Assignment L1

Date/Time: February 5th, 7:30-11:00

1. Compile Written Mechanical System Description

2. Produce a List of Components as Defined by Mechanical Systems

3. Produce Flow Charts of Mechanical Systems in Visio

Name of Organization: J-8

Purpose of Meeting: Finalize Assignment L1

Date/Time: February 8th, 5:30-

1. Revise and Complete Assignment L1 Report

2. Complete Assignment L1 PowerPoint

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