Sunday, March 29, 2009

S10 L3 Meeting Minutes

Name of Organization: S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Meet with M group
Date/Time: 3/23/09; 5:30-6:15
1. Discuss objectives
2. Outline tasks
3. Durations

Name of Organization: S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Procurement Plan
Date/Time: 3/24/09; 7:00-1:00
1. Ghantt Chart
2. Activity on Node
3. Durations
4. Crane Diagram
5. Site Layout

Name of Organization: S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Bidding Schedule and peculiar items
Date/Time: 3/26/09; 7:30-12:15
1. Final project formatting
2. Access to site
3. Crane Diagram
4. Tie up loose ends

Friday, March 27, 2009

J8 L3 Meeting Minutes

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Intro

Date/Time:  March 22nd, 5:00pm-7:00pm

1.       Overview of L3

2.       Revise Schedule

3.       Organize Assignments

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Review Session

Date/Time:  March 25th, 4:00pm-4:15pm

1.       Preliminary Findings      

2.       Q/A McCoy

3.       Preliminary Results

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Coordination

Date/Time:  March 26th, 3:30pm-11:30pm

1.       Compile Individual Assignments

2.       Set Final Deadlines

3.       Compile Report

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Final Coordination

Date/Time:  March 27th, 12:00pm-2:30pm

1.       Correct Mistakes

2.       Revise Report

3.       Release to M-11



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

J8 Presentation Meeting

Today J8 will meeting at 3:30pm to discuss the slideshow presentation that will take place Wednesday at 6:00pm - 6:10pm. The meeting will take approximately 1 hour to compile the slides. The PowerPoint will then be submitted to M11 for review.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Final L2 Meeting - J8

All teams, M11/J8/S10, will meet today during our normal integrated lab time frame. J8 will submit L2 to the M-team for the final submission on Friday, March 6th. Items to be discussed consist of L2 presentation and preliminary L3 work.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

J8 Meeting Minutes/ L2 Update

Development Process of L2

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: L2 Intro
Date/Time: February 18th, 4:00-6:45pm

1. Overview of L2
2. Divide Take-Off
3. Organize Templates

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Formal Meeting
Date/Time: February 25th, 4:00-6:45pm

1. Formal Meeting with Dr. McCoy
2. Q/A Period
3. Organize Completed Work

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Organize L2
Date/Time: February 18th, 4:00-6:45

1. Important Items
2. Compiled Take-offs
3. To-Do List

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Finish L2
Date/Time: March 1st, 10am-2am

1. Format Report
2. Complete Take-off
3. Start Durations
4. Start Schedule

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Finish L2
Date/Time: March 3rd, 6-10pm

1. Fix Take-off errors
2. Diagram Crane locations
3. Leadership Report
4. Blog Update

Monday, March 2, 2009

S_10 Meeting Minutes

Name of Organization: S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Delineate tasks and set deadlines
Date/Time: 2/17; 4:00-6:15
1. Assignment Reviewed
2. Tasks Established
3. Beam and Girder Take-off Started
4. Joist and Decking Take-off Started

Name of Organization: S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Establish Productivity and Mark Milestones
Date/Time: 2/20; 1:30-3:30
1. Coordinated new tasks
2. Quantified Decking

Name of Organization: S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Compile Data
Date/Time: 2/24; 6:30-10:00
1. Shared information
2. Set costs

Name of Organization: S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Complete Estimate
Date/Time: 2/25; 4:00-9:45
1. Input Costs
2. Formatted Excel Sheets
3. Began durations and prelim schedule

Name of Organization: Jacob and John S-10
Purpose of Meeting: Check Work
Date/Time: 2/25; 10:15pm-12:30am
1. Reviewed Work from others.
2. Corrections
3. Recalculations

Name of Organization: Jacob, Hunter, John
Purpose of Meeting: Final Tasks
Date/Time: 2/27; 12:30-4:45
1. Durations corrected
2. Narratives Written
3. Lessons Learned Analysis
4. Final tasks assigned

Name of Organization: Jacob and John
Purpose of Meeting: Finish
Date/Time: 2/28/09; 11:30-5:30
1. Corrections
2. Formatting
3. Review