Tuesday, March 3, 2009

J8 Meeting Minutes/ L2 Update

Development Process of L2

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: L2 Intro
Date/Time: February 18th, 4:00-6:45pm

1. Overview of L2
2. Divide Take-Off
3. Organize Templates

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Formal Meeting
Date/Time: February 25th, 4:00-6:45pm

1. Formal Meeting with Dr. McCoy
2. Q/A Period
3. Organize Completed Work

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Organize L2
Date/Time: February 18th, 4:00-6:45

1. Important Items
2. Compiled Take-offs
3. To-Do List

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Finish L2
Date/Time: March 1st, 10am-2am

1. Format Report
2. Complete Take-off
3. Start Durations
4. Start Schedule

Name of Organization: J-8
Purpose of Meeting: Finish L2
Date/Time: March 3rd, 6-10pm

1. Fix Take-off errors
2. Diagram Crane locations
3. Leadership Report
4. Blog Update

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