Friday, March 27, 2009

J8 L3 Meeting Minutes

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Intro

Date/Time:  March 22nd, 5:00pm-7:00pm

1.       Overview of L3

2.       Revise Schedule

3.       Organize Assignments

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Review Session

Date/Time:  March 25th, 4:00pm-4:15pm

1.       Preliminary Findings      

2.       Q/A McCoy

3.       Preliminary Results

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Coordination

Date/Time:  March 26th, 3:30pm-11:30pm

1.       Compile Individual Assignments

2.       Set Final Deadlines

3.       Compile Report

Name of Organization:  J-8

Purpose of Meeting:  L3 Final Coordination

Date/Time:  March 27th, 12:00pm-2:30pm

1.       Correct Mistakes

2.       Revise Report

3.       Release to M-11



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